“One of the things that we have always been worried about is equity in education, making sure that no one is left behind. Whether you are a child in a rural area who doesn’t speak the main language of that country, you can still access quality education.

We are looking for people who are passionate and committed; who have a systematic approach, and at the same time, who recognize the power of partnerships and networking in order to make a difference. We believe that by identifying this kind of individual and the quality of their work, we will inspire many other people to look at education differently, to assess whether or not they can apply some of those lessons,” says Dorothy K. Gordon, our Head of the Judging Panel for Education Development.

“The Yidan Prize is exceptional because for the first time, we’re putting a spotlight on education, and the difference that can make for development overall,” says Dorothy. “We’re rewarding those people so that people pay attention to the way they have worked.”

She explains that the prize is awarded to those making a transformative impact in education — people who are passionate and committed, have a systematic approach, and who recognize the power of partnerships and networks in order to make a difference.

In this interview with Devex, Dorothy K. Gordon shares the significance of the prize for education development and the judging criteria for nominations.

Read the full article here.
