FE News, 8 March 2022:

“There’s still a gender gap in education, and it’s propping up global inequality. Right now, 451 million women aged 15 or above lack an education—compared to 278 million men. And even when women are educated, and graduate from the same fields as men, they’re less likely to be employed and likely to earn less than their male peers.

We need to change that. And around the world, inspiring women already are.

At the Yidan Prize, we’re doing our bit to make learning fair and accessible for all—and in doing so, create a better world through education. Since the launch of the prize in 2016, more than half of the laureates selected by our independent judging committee are women.

This International Women’s Day, we’re shining a spotlight on how they’re bringing their broad expertise to millions of learners around the world—from unlocking the secrets of learning through brain scans, to empowering young women in sub-Saharan Africa to define their own destinies.”

In this article, our Deputy Secretary-General Mabel Woo highlights our six female laureates—bringing light to their work in various fields, from early years education, women empowerment, to student-centred learning.

Read the full article here.

Women day photo created by freepik –www.freepik.com
