One of the most powerful ways to get people to engage with a big idea—especially one that’s complex or nuanced—is to paint a picture in their minds. We grasp concepts more powerfully that way, and remember them better, too.

Speakers at our annual Summit galvanize the audience with their passion and eloquence. Yet in the moment there’s a lot to take in, and many thoughts we know people want to return to over and over again.

That’s why this year we worked with a team of talented artists to capture important insights from the event as drawings. They illustrated each session as it happened, creating a memorable visual map of ideas, quotes, and facts. And we displayed their work across the walls of the reception area as the day went on.

We’ve now collected all these images together online. So whether you joined us in person, watched the livestream, or have been catching up with the event online, you can revisit the themes and discussions whenever you want.

Click through insights from our panels from our album here

The sketch wall and towers at our 2023 Yidan Prize Summit were presented in collaboration with Idea Ink, a company specializing in graphic recording and visual facilitation based in Singapore.
