After speaking at Education Commission Asia (ECA)’s High Touch High Tech conference last July, our Director of Partnerships, Dr Christopher (Chris) Thomas, has been invited to join the organization as one of their six new global commissioners.

Joining ECA’s current commissioners, including Baela Jamil and Dr Elizabeth M. King—members of our Advisory and Judging Committees—Chris will serve as an advisor for the organization’s future projects, an advocate for the High Touch High Tech model, and a facilitator of global partnerships.

“The Education Commission Asia is in the forefront of educational change and development in this dynamic region. I am thrilled to join my fellow commissioners in support of its mission,” Chris said.

Collaborations between changemakers can have a powerful collective impact on the future of education. Dr Christopher Thomas’ new role at the ECA will further strengthen our Yidan Prize network, bring more people together, and create a better world by unlocking the potential of the education community.

What is High Touch High Tech (HTHT) learning?

The HTHT learning model combines classroom technology (high tech) with hands-on learning, guided by experts (high touch). When students understand a topic and concepts at their own pace pre-class, teachers can allocate more resources and attention to support students in the classroom. Teachers become more effective and students learn better with HTHT.
