We all have to become lifelong learners. Remember, technologies such as GPT won’t take away your job, but a person who can use such technologies better than you just might.

Imagine you are 30 years old and working, so being able to find time and money for a two-year MBA may be difficult. But pursuing a course such as the MicroMasters from IIM Bangalore that is available in modules (you can complete at your own pace) is easy. In fact, many people don’t even need to learn everything that is taught in a two-year MBA — learning a component is also enough. Such modular programmes are free and for about $2,000 you can earn a certification as well. This cost, however, is a fraction of what you may have to pay if you study on-campus,” says Professor Anant Agarwal, our 2018 Yidan Prize for Education Development Laureate.

In an interview with Financial ExpressAnant discusses the impact of technology on jobs. He also explains how massive open online courses like edX are using generative technology to teach more effectively, equipping learners with skills and knowledge needed to stay competitive in a rapidly changing job market.

Technological advancements present new opportunities: Anant expresses optimism about the future of job markets, sharing ways to embrace technology and enhance learning practices.

Read the full article here.
