Phoenix TV, 7 December 2022

Phoenix TV joined us in Hong Kong to cover our 2022 Yidan Prize Summit. They shared the key themes of our panel discussions, featuring our 2022 Yidan Prize laureates Professor Yongxin Zhu and Dr Linda Darling-Hammond.

“The workload of [educators] increased during the pandemic, as they rapidly adapted to a changing environment… The work of our laureates has shown us how we can use technology to create peer communities, supporting teachers to learn and collaborate with each other,” shares Edward Ma, Secretary-General of the Yidan Prize Foundation.

Phoenix TV also spotlighted PhET Interactive Simulations, founded by our 2020 Yidan Prize laureate Professor Carl Wieman, and how he and his team are using the Yidan Prize project funds to expand the reach of PhET globally.

“The mission of PhET Interactive Simulations is to advance science and math learning all around the world,” says Kathy Perkins, Director of PhET Interactive Simulations.

In a panel discussion, educators from different countries shared their experience using PhET simulations in the classroom and how PhET simulations support teachers to visualize complex concepts and guide students to explore them through hands-on experiments.

Watch the news here.



